Alto Patrocínio

Apoio Internacional




Aplicação "CNA2014"

XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação
João Diniz Araújo
João Diniz Araújo

João Ricardo Araújo was born in Madeira Autonomous Region, Portugal, on the 27th February 1984. He graduated in Nutrition and Food Sciences at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of University of Porto in 2007, and obtained is PhD degree in Metabolism at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP) in 2013.

João Ricardo Araújo initiated and developed its research activity at the Department of Biochemistry, FMUP. His main scientific interests are developmental biology, nutrient transport and metabolism in the placenta, gestational diabetes and fetal programming of metabolic diseases. He is author of 23 full papers in international scientific periodicals with referees, 2 full papers in national scientific periodicals with referees, 3 book chapters and several abstracts in conference proceedings.

Since 2007, João R. Araújo was enrolled in lecturing Biochemistry at FMUP where at the present he is voluntary assistant.


XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Todos os Direitos Reservados Desenvolvido por: Portugal Interactivo