Alto Patrocínio

Apoio Internacional




Aplicação "CNA2014"

XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação
Emma Boyland
Emma Boyland


2006 - 2010: Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Liverpool

PhD in Psychology (full-time)

Television Food Advertising to Children: Nature, Extent and Potential Consequences.

2004 - 2005: MSc Research Methods in Psychology

University of Liverpool

2001 - 2002: MBA Human Resource Management

University of Liverpool

1998 - 2001: BSc Molecular Biology (Class I)

University of Liverpool



2012 - present:  Completed all modules towards Certificate in Professional Studies (CPS). One final assessment in preparation.

2009 - 2010: Module 1 (Supporting Student Learning) and Module 2 (Assessing Student Learning). Grade: Distinction. Confers exemption from Module 1 'Learning and Teaching and Assessment in HE' of the CPS. Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Liverpool.



My main research interests are in the effects of food promotion on children's food preferences, choices and ingestive behaviour. Specifically I am interested in quantifying the extent and nature of food advertising via television, new media and other sources (e.g. outdoor advertising) and elucidating the effects of branding activity (e.g. use of promotional characters) on children's responses to advertising.  In addition, I am interested in determining the role of situational factors (e.g. hunger state), and both intrinsic (e.g. tendency to eat in the absence of hunger, cue responsiveness) and extrinsic (e.g. parental control, independent spending power) mediating factors on children's intake and request responses to food marketing.



September 2012 - present: Local PI on Weight Watchers funded WRAP RCT

Co-investigator of trial, Liverpool one of three study centres (with MRC HNR, Cambridge and the University of Oxford).

August 2012 - present: Lecturer in Psychology (Human Ingestive Behaviour)

Department of Psychological Sciences

October 2009 - July 2012: Research Assistant/Associate

Liverpool Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory

Experimental studies of food supplements/functional foods on appetite and eating behaviour.

January 2011 - April 2011: Research Scientist

Medical Research Centre (Human Nutrition Research), Cambridge

Qualitative data analysis of patient experience of commercial weight loss programmes versus GP-based treatment.

July 2006 - Sept 2006: Research Assistant

Liverpool Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory

Experimental study to investigate the impact of acute oral administration of a weight loss supplement at various concentrations on food intake, feeding behaviour and appetite.

Sept 2005 - June 2006: Research Assistant & Honorary Clinical Researcher

Liverpool Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory & University Hospital Aintree

A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial to quantify the effects of sibutramine on energy intake and expenditure in obese subjects during a test meal.

Nov 2004 - June 2005: Part-time Research Assistant

Liverpool Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory

Short-term appetite expression: The role of chewing gum.     



2012 - Present: Research Internship Scheme Co-ordinator

Institute for Psychology, Health & Society

2012 - Present: Level Three

4 hours of lectures per year for PSYC310 (Appetite Regulation and Obesity: Health and Neuroscience Perspectives; approx. 40 students).

Level Two 6 hours of lectures per year for module PSYC209 (Behavioural Neuroscience; approx. 200 students).

2010 - 2012: Honorary Recognised Teacher

School of Psychology, University of Liverpool.

2008 - 2012: Guest Lecturer

2 lectures per year for PSYC310 & 2 lectures per year for PSYC209.

Tutor: 10 tutorials per year for PSYC209 (Behavioural Neuroscience).

2006 - 2010: Student Ambassador

Representative of the School of Psychology on University and Departmental Open Days.

2006 - 2008: Lecturer/Lecture Series Co-ordinator

Widening Participation Scheme Open Days (Introduction to Psychology).

2005 - 2007: Lecturer/Lecture Series Co-ordinator

Higher Education Summer School (School of Psychology Sessions).


2013 - present: Trustee of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity (specific role: co-ordinator of regional group network).

2013 - present: Co-founder and editor of 'LivApp' the blog of the UoL appetite and obesity research group.

2013 - present: Tutor, Scholars Programme (UoL Widening Participation).

2012 - present: Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) Ambassador (UoL Widening Participation).

2012 - present: Representing the University of Liverpool on the healthy weight task force run by Liverpool Primary Care Trust with Liverpool City Council. Committee is responsible for preparing the Health Strategy for the city of Liverpool 2013-2018.

XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Todos os Direitos Reservados Desenvolvido por: Portugal Interactivo